Oak Hills Middle School

Participants have the option of cheering for football and/or basketball seasons. In addition, the cheerleaders may also try out for the traditional competitive cheer team!
Football Sideline:
The Oak Hills Middle School football program consists of two combined football teams, one seventh grade team, and one eighth grade team. Both teams consist of players from Rapid Run Middle School, Delhi Middle School, and Bridgetown Middle School. Therefore, we also have two combined football cheerleading squads, one seventh grade squad, and one eighth grade squad. These squads cheer at all home games and all of the fall middle school pep rallies! This team will also compete in the game day division at competitions.
Coaches: Melissa Claus, Kristina Dearwester, Angie Wise, Bre Robbins
Basketball Sideline:
The current Oak Hills Middle School basketball team setup consists of three separate basketball programs at each of the middle schools in Oak Hills. Therefore, there are also three separate basketball cheerleading squads, one for each of the three middle schools, consisting of seventh and eighth graders. These squads cheer at all home basketball games, and at any winter pep rallies.
RRMS Coach: Robyn Stuhan
DMS Coach: Rachel Walicki
BMS Coach: Natalie Brittain
Pep Rallies
Half Time